Code of Ethics

The CSG Code of Conduct forms the basis of the Group's compliance programme and its employees and management are obliged to follow the Code in their daily work.
Hero image
Code of Ethics at CSG
abstract pattern CSG

One of the basic tools of the Czechoslovak Group's anti-corruption programme is a code of ethics for the Group's employees, who are obliged to comply with it. However, some of its provisions also apply to Czechoslovak Group's partners, such as the holding's sales offices. The Czechoslovak Group Code of Conduct is based on the requirements of the UK Transparency International programme.

The Code of Ethics includes:

  • Prohibition of corrupt behaviour
  • Prohibition of conflict of interest behaviour
  • Reporting of corruption or unethical behaviour
  • Special obligations in the area of business in the implementation of the anti-corruption programmeprinciples for sponsorship or for donations to political parties and movements
  • Commitment to disseminate the anti-corruption programme outside the Czechoslovak Group
  • TEST